March 2025 Membership Meeting

The March Membership Meeting will take place on March 11 at Hangar 15, Harvey Airfield in Snohomish. Our social time with snacks starts at 6:00 PM, and the meeting starts at 6:30 PM, with our speaker beginning around 7:00 PM. Thank you to Matt Ryskalczyk for bringing the snacks!

Our speaker this month is chapter member Tom Staggs. He will be speaking about avionics selection, integration, and instalation.

Tom has had a varied aviation career: from flying EA-6B Prowlers in the US Navy, to being a Boeing Production flight test pilot. In between, he was an engineer and senior manager in avionics and airplane systems, rising to the level of Boeing’s Chief for Flight Deck, responsible for Commercial Cockpits. Additionally, he is a CFI/II/ME, was a professional airshow performer in his Long-EZ for 9 years, and was a visiting instructor at USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB.

He retired last year from Boeing and is now working to modify and repaint his Long-EZ, which he has owned for 34 years. He is married to Kay, the most patient and understanding woman on Earth (she needs to be, to put up with him). They have two sons who are both engineers, one working on Amazon’s drone delivery program, and the other interning with General Atomics in their drone group.

Tom is a Flight Advisor and will be completing his A&P this coming June.